the-Vau-de-Vire-SocietySpawned from the depths of San Francisco’s thriving Dance and Circus sub-cultures, the Vau de Vire Society has ravaged and titillated live entertainment, causing jaws to drop in awe and garnering admiration around the world. This Avant-Cabaret community consists of classically-trained dancers, some of the nations most acclaimed acrobats, aerial artists, contortionists and circus side-show acts, an array of unique fire-performers, a handful of gifted thespians and a barrage of the most enticing go-go’s.

Attending a Vau de Vire Society event is akin to stepping into an interactive Circus where audience and performer become a single rhythmic force. Together we create lush art-filled environments providing all in attendance a safe-haven to indulge fantasies of running away with the circus… if even for the night.

Watch intro reel here: